docker inaccel run

Run a one-off command
docker inaccel run [OPTIONS] SERVICE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
Name, shorthand | Default | Description |
--entrypoint | | Override the entrypoint of the container |
--env, -e | | Set environment variables |
--no-deps | | Don't start linked services |
--no-tty, -T | | Disable pseudo-TTY allocation |
--publish, p | | Publish a container's port(s) to the host |
--user, -u | | Username or UID (format: <name |
--volume, -v | | Bind mount a volume |
--workdir, -w | | Working directory inside the container |
Parent command
Command | Description |
docker inaccel | Simplifying FPGA management in Docker |
Last update: April 19, 2022