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Zero to FPGAs using BinderHub



In this article we are going to present the first ever FPGA accelerated execution of Jupyter Notebooks over BinderHub.

BinderHub enables end users to easily create computing environments from Git repos, making it easier than ever to run applications without the need of installing packages, setting up environments etc. It then serves the custom computing environment at a URL which users can access remotely. To achieve this functionality BinderHub uses a JupyterHub running on Kubernetes.

However, this awesome concept misses the ability of running applications in an accelerated environment. And this is where InAccel comes in. InAccel, a world-leader in application acceleration through the use of adaptive acceleration platforms (ACAP, FPGA) provides an FPGA operator that allows instant deployment, scaling and virtualization of FPGAs making the utilization of FPGA clusters easier than ever. InAccel's FPGA Kubernetes device plugin enables users to accelerate their Pods within the snap of a finger. That said it really makes sense to combine all that together to provide seamless acceleration for any computational intensive workload.

Supposedly having already deployed a Kubernetes cluster over a bunch of servers hosting FPGAs and having setup BinderHub you only need to deploy InAccel FPGA Operator to enable FPGA accelerated notebooks:

  1. Deploy InAccel FPGA Operator:

    helm repo add inaccel
    helm repo update
    helm install my-fpga-operator inaccel/fpga-operator


    If you want to run the enterprise edition of Coral or for example to specify the monitor port, you can do so by setting the corresponding values at the step of installing InAccel FPGA Operator. You can find a list of all the available parameters here. Example:

    helm install my-fpga-operator inaccel/fpga-operator --set license=<your-license> --set monitor.port=<your-monitor-port>

You can now run any FPGA accelerated application simply by specifying a Git repo in your BinderHub endpoint.

A Use Case Scenario using Amazon EKS-

Amazon offers its so called EKS service for creating Kubernetes clusters. What is more, Amazon's F1 (FPGA) instances are supported by EKS meaning that a user can easily create a Kubernetes cluster hosting F1 instances, to accelerate applications using the power of FPGAs and this is why we are using it in this tutorial.

At this point we are going to guide you through the whole procedure of creating a Kubernetes cluster in Amazon AWS using EKS service and how to further on deploy BinderHub, InAccel FPGA Operator and run an FPGA accelerated application.

Before beginning make sure you have the required access/premissions to perform the actions below using your AWS account. For this guide we used an account with the following policies attached:

  • IAMFullAccess

  • AmazonVPCFullAccess

  • AmazonEKSAdminPolicy

  • AWSCloudFormationFullAccess

  • AmazonEC2FullAccess


You can change a user's permissions by selecting the IAM service from Amazon AWS Console. Then from Users panel select your user and click on Add permissions. Select Attach existing policies directly and attach the desired policies

  1. Install python3-pip.

    sudo apt install -y python3-pip
    sudo yum install -y python3-pip
  2. Download and install eksctl.

    curl --silent --location "$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz" | tar xz -C /tmp
    sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/bin
  3. Install and configure awscli.

    sudo pip3 install --upgrade awscli
    aws configure
  4. Download and install kubectl.

    sudo curl -o /usr/bin/kubectl
    sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/kubectl
  5. Setup helm3:

    curl -fsSL -o
    chmod 700
  6. Create a Kubernetes Cluster in AWS:

    At this ponint we create a Kubernetes cluster in AWS named binderhub that will by default spawn two worker nodes with the eks default values.

    eksctl create cluster \
        --asg-access \
        --name binderhub \
        --nodegroup-name default \
        --region us-east-1 \
        --version 1.22 \
        --zones us-east-1a,us-east-1b,us-east-1c
  7. Create an auto-scaling group of F1 instances:

    We set the minimum number of this nodegroup's nodes to zero (0) since we don't want to be charged for the FPGA instances unless a pod is requesting FPGA resources. In such case, an FPGA (F1) node will be automatically spawned and provisioned to handle this acceleration request. To enable this functionality we also have to deploy cluster autoscaler (next step).

    eksctl create nodegroup \
        --asg-access \
        --cluster binderhub \
        --managed=false \
        --name f1-2xlarge \
        --node-labels inaccel/fpga=enabled \
        --node-type f1.2xlarge \
        --nodes 0 \
        --nodes-max 3 \
        --nodes-min 0 \
        --tags \
        --tags \
        --tags \
  8. Deploy Kubernetes cluser-autoscaler:

    We make sure that the cluster autoscaler points to the correct Kubernetes cluster by specifying the autoDiscovery.clusterName and awsRegion properties.

    helm repo add cluster-autoscaler
    helm repo update
    helm install cluster-autoscaler cluster-autoscaler/cluster-autoscaler \
        --set autoDiscovery.clusterName=binderhub \
        --set awsRegion=us-east-1
  9. Prepare the binderhub deployment:

    To deploy Binderhub we have to first create a yaml file that will host all the required configurations. For example, we specify that the pods to be spawned by BinderHub, should be labeled as inaccel/fpga: "enabled" and should request exactly one xilinx/aws-vu9p-f1 FPGA resource.

    Make sure you replace docker-id, organization-name, prefix and password with your own values.

        use_registry: true
        image_prefix: <docker-id OR organization-name>/<prefix>-
     enabled: true
          - display_name: "FPGA Server"
            description: "Spawns a notebook server with access to an FPGA"
                inaccel/fpga: "enabled"
                xilinx/aws-vu9p-f1: "1"
      username: <docker-id>
      password: <password>


    Dockerhub registry is used in this example. If you want to connect BinderHub to a different docker registry please consider BinderHub documentation

  10. Install BinderHub.

    You can modify the --version argument as you see fit. You can find a list of all the available versions here.

    helm repo add jupyterhub
    helm repo update
    helm install binder jupyterhub/binderhub --version=0.2.0-n905.h3d3e24e --namespace=binder -f config.yaml --create-namespace
  11. Connect BinderHub and JupyterHub.

    kubectl --namespace=binder get svc proxy-public | awk 'NR>1 {print $4}'


    If the above command returns <pending> just wait a few moments and execute it again.

    Copy the output of the above command and edit config.yaml file adding the following:

        hub_url: http://<output of the above command>

    The whole config.yaml file should look like this:

        use_registry: true
        image_prefix: <docker-id OR organization-name>/<prefix>-
        hub_url: http://<output-of-the-above-command>
     enabled: true
          - display_name: "FPGA Server"
            description: "Spawns a notebook server with access to an FPGA"
                inaccel/fpga: "enabled"
                xilinx/aws-vu9p-f1: "1"
      username: <docker-id>
      password: <password>
  12. Update Binder beployment. If you chose a different version when installing BinderHub make sure you set the same one here:

    helm upgrade binder jupyterhub/binderhub --version=0.2.0-n905.h3d3e24e --namespace=binder -f config.yaml
  13. Deploy InAccel FPGA Operator:

    helm repo add inaccel
    helm repo update
    helm install inaccel-fpga-operator inaccel/fpga-operator
  14. You are all set! Get BinderHub endpoint and paste it in a web browser.

    kubectl --namespace=binder get svc binder


    Wait a couple of minutes for the DNS record returned in the previous step to be registered and to become fully functional.

Run Xilinx Vitis example applications-

To promote the benefits of Xilinx's Vitis accelerators, we have created several jupyter notebooks that invoke the accelerators and can be instantly spawned using BinderHub. We have modified the Vitis software libraries to use our framework's API and have implemented the corresponding notebooks.

  1. In the BinderHub endpoint you setup previously, paste the following URL and then hit Launch:

    You should then see a docker image being built and after a while you should be reirected to a fully working Jupyter Notebook environment.


  2. Run any of the notebooks available or create your own.

Last update: April 21, 2022